Boromarajonani College of Nursing Udonthani

Boromarajonani College of Nursing Udonthani : BCNU

BCNU has been serving Ministry of Public Health of Thailand in educating and training nursing and midwifery providers since 1975.In 1993, Ministry of Public Health formed transferred the nursing college division and the health personnel training division to the “Health Workforce Development Institute” which is responsible for controlling the personnel production and development.

“Wisdom of Community for Community”

Timeline About Us

The initial funding was spent on the construction of a three-story school building, a three-story dorm building, and one auditorium. The Nursing Assistant and Midwifery Program implemented the first care curriculum, from which approximately 230 practical nurses graduated


As the care curriculum changed, the name of the school was changed accordingly from School of Nursing Assistants and Midwifery to Udon Thani Nursing College. The college produced technical nurses (beginner level) for the Urgent Nursing Production Project. Udon Thani Nursing College produces two classes of technical nurses per year. The first class started in June, while the second one started in December. The college produced approximately 120 technical nurses annually.


In 1987, the caring curriculum of Transitional Nursing and Midwifery (Transitional Course) was added and produced approximately 80 to 100 graduates per year. while the curriculum for technical nurses (beginner level) produced approximately 100 to 120 graduates per year. So far, there are approximately 2,585 technical nursing graduates. In 1992, the care curriculum of the Bachelor of Nursing Science Program was added. There are approximately 500 graduates annually, and there were approximately 150 registered nurse graduates this year. In 1995, Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Udon Thani, received a continuous budget for the construction of a new nursing college for the fiscal years 1995–98. The construction was completed in 1998.


Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Udon Thani moved to a new address at 88, Village No. 1, Mittraphap Udon Thani-Khon Kaen Road, Nong Pai Sub-District. The college is located on a total of 50 rai. It consists of a three-story administrative building, two three-story learning buildings, an auditorium, a cafeteria, a visitor’s building, four teacher’s residences, a three-story teacher’s flat, and two staff residences.
